CLME 2.0-11 (2019-02-07)
- Removed a default value for seed in summary.clme
- Fixed error from setting names to NULL
CLME 2.0-10 (2018-05-23)
- Fixed out-of-sync metadata.
- Model now assumes ordred factor for constrained effect. If not, issues warning and attempts to force ordered=TRUE .
CLME 2.0-9 (2018-02-01)
- Fixed error in naming to prevent error with R 3.4.3
CLME 2.0-8 (2017-12-08)
- Streamlined of formula parsing (less messy).
- Fixes to plot.clme() for tree orders.
- Fixed error in removing duplicate patterns from auto-generated contraints.
- Added option to specify node in shiny_clme.
- shiny_clme will produce code used to run the specified model.
CLME 2.0-5
- Added reference to JSS manuscript: Jelsema and Peddada (2016)
CLME 2.0-4 (2015-07-13)
- Fixed error in logLik.clme.
- Changed maintainer email.
- Added explicit BIC.clme method (instead of forcing custom use of AIC.clme)
- Removed the bootstrap computations from clme() and put them into summary.clme().
- summary.clme() now returns a list of values (largely equivalent to output of
clme()) but does not automatically print output to console.
- print.summary.clme() prints the output of summary.clme to the console.
- Improvements to the shiny_clme() application:
- Added "model running" indicator
- Enabled tab-delimited and xlsx formatted data input
- Multiple tabs for output.
CLME 2.0-3
- Noted nsim is in the fitted object of clme().
- Fixed error with method VarCorr() (failed unless "lme4" or "nlme" was loaded,
redefined method VarCorr)
- Replaced vignette with static document.
- Implemented work-around to prevent error (stemming from package isotone) when
there was only 1 constraint.
CLME 2.0-2 (2015-01-27)
- Fixed typo in printing of log-likelihood, AIC, BIC
- Added ellipses to MINQUE function to prevent errors from arguments em.eps and em.iter
- Improvements to shiny_clme() application
CLME 2.0-1 (2014-12-05)
- Minor updates to several functions
CLME 2.0-0
- Major changes to arguments, particularly:
- Formula interface implemented
- Removed necessity for custom PAVA algorithms (implemented function 'activeSet'
from package isotone)
- Nks replaced with group vector input
- Qs removed, each random term now gets individual variance
- Provided more common methods for fitted objects
CLME 1.0-0
- Initial release of package
Author / Maintainer:
Casey M. Jelsema
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
West Virginia University
<[email protected]>